April 2024: Bill received the UI Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award and the Best Posters Award in this year's Engineering Research Open House.
Dec 2023: Xuan received the prestigious AFOSR Young Investigator Program (YIP) award for our research in additive manufacturing of energetic composites.
July 2023: Xuan has been appointed as the James A. Chisman Faculty Fellow.
April 2023: Xuan received the 2023 CoE Early Career Faculty Excellence Award.
Feb 2023: Xuan has received the prestigious NSF CAREER award to study ceramic additive manufacturing and to further our education/outreach efforts. Thanks to the Advanced Manufacturing program at NSF for funding our proposal.
April 2022: Xuan received the 2022 Outstanding Young Manufacturing Engineer Award from the Society of Manufacturing Engineers.
April 2022: Bill and Prabhav won the Best Posters Award in this year's Engineering Research Open House.
November 2021: Our paper "Cephalopod-Inspired Stretchable Self-Morphing Skin Via Embedded Printing and Twisted Spiral Artificial Muscles" was featured on the inside back cover of Advanced Functional Materials. Congratulations to Fan, Parth, and Li.
March 2021: New grant awarded from DOE's REMADE institute to study new AM technologies for wastepaper recycling.
October 2020: Our collaborative work with Prof. Sippel and Prof. Udaykumar on 3D printing of energetic composites was reported in Graphene Updates.
August 25, 2020: We have been granted a US patent (Patent NO. 10,751,909) entitled "Support-free Additive Manufacturing of Ceramics." This ceramic printing technology can print complex overhanging structures without the need for building additional support structures.
June 2020: Levi received the E. Wayne Kay Graduate Scholarship - PhD from the Society of Manufacturing Engineers. Congratulations!
May 2020: We were awarded a new grant from the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) through the DMI/DEPSCoR program to study additive manufacturing of energetic composites for enhanced safety and performance. This project involves collaborations with Prof. Travis Sippel (co-PI) at ISU and Prof. Udaykumar at UIowa.
April 2019: Wenbo, Matt, and Li won 2019 Research Open House Graduate Best Poster Awards for their multi-scale-material 3D printing and bone scaffold printing projects.
January 2019: Mr. Levi Kirby and Mr. Baizhuang Zhou joined our lab. Getting MS and BS degrees from Western Illinois University, Levi will continue his PhD study in our lab. Baizhuang got his BS degree at UI and will pursue his MS degree. Welcome!
August 2018: We received an NSF grant to study additive manufacturing of bi-continuous piezoelectric composites with Dr Lei Chen at MSU.
June 2018: Xuan (PI) received an IPRC Pilot grant to develop a 3D printing solution for prevention of injury associated with alcohol abuse (Co-PI: Dr. Nicole Brogden).
April 2018: Fan and Wenbo won the Graduate Best Poster Award at the 2018 COE Research Open House for their poster "Multi-scale Additive Manufacturing: A 3D-printing Method based on Digital Light Processing."
January 2018: Xuan received the 2018 Old Gold Summer Award for his research on additive manufacturing of bi-continuous piezocomposites.
August 2017: Mr. Fan Fei joined our lab as a PhD student with Dean's Graduate Fellowship. He obtained his M.S. degree from University of Florida and B.S. degree from Harbin Institute of Technology, China. Welcome!
February 2017: See a blind student robot project including assistance from Xuan reported by CBS2/FOX28, the College of Engineering and Iowa Now.
December 2016: Xuan's paper "Biomimetic anisotropic reinforcement architectures by electrically assisted nanocomposite 3D printing" was accepted for publication on Advanced Materials. In the paper, we reported an electrically assisted additive manufacturing approach that bio-mimics the Bouligand structure in natural creatures to create highly impact resistant architectures.
November 8, 2016: Xuan received the OVPR/CMRF Pilot Project Seed Grant. The grant will support new material development, making use of instrumentation at the state-of-the-art Central Microscopy Research Facility at UI.
August 2016: Mr. Li He joined our lab. He obtained his M.S. and B.S. degrees from Wuhan University, China. Welcome!
July 2016: Our paper "3D printing of piezoelectric element for energy focusing and ultrasonic sensing" was published online by Nano Energy.
External News

ITI research assistant wins Graduate College Fellowship