Selected Publications
Journal Articles

Fei, F., Kotak, P., He, L., Li, X., Vanderhoef, C., Lamuta, C., Song, X., 2021. “Cephalopod-inspired Stretchable Self-morphing Skin via Embedded Printing and Twisted Spiral Artificial Muscles.” Advanced Functional Materials.
He, L., Wang, X., Fei, F., Chen, L., Song, X., 2021. “Selectively Doped Piezoelectric Ceramics with Tunable Piezoelectricity via Suspension-Enclosing Projection Stereolithography.” Additive Manufacturing.
Remy, M., Akkouch, A., He, L., Eliason, S., Sweat, M., Krongbaramee, T., Fei, F., Qian, F., Amendt, A.; Song, X., Hong, L., 2021. “Rat Calvarial Bone Regeneration by 3D-Printed Beta-Tricalcium Phosphate Incorporating MicroRNA-200c.” ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering.
Yang, W., Wang, Z., Yang, T., He, L., Song, X., Liu, Y., Chen, L., 2021. “Exploration of the Underlying Space in Microscopic Images via Deep Learning for Additively Manufactured Piezoceramics.” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces.
Fei, F., He, L., Kirby, L. and Song, X., 2020.Study Of Droplet Diffusion In Hydrothermal-Assisted Transient Jet Fusion Of Ceramics. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, pp.1-21.
Henprasert, P., Dawson, D., El-Kerdani, T., Song, X., Couso-Queiruga, E., Holloway, J., 2020. “Comparison of the Accuracy of Implant Position using Surgical Guides Fabricated by Additive and Subtractive Techniques.” Journal of Prosthodontics.
Fei, F., He, L., Zhou, B., Xu, Z. and Song, X., 2019. "Hydrothermal-Assisted Transient Binder Jetting of Ceramics for Achieving High Green Density". JOM, pp.1-7.
Song, X., He, L., Yang, W., Wang, Z., Chen, Z., Guo, J., Wang, H., Chen, L., 2019. "Additive Manufacturing of Bi-continuous Piezocomposites with Triply Periodic Phase Interfaces for Combined Flexibility and Piezoelectricity". ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering.
Alluri, R., Song, X., Bougioukli, S., Pannell, W., Vakhshori, V., Sugiyama, O., Tang, A., Park, S.H., Chen, Y. and Lieberman, J.R., 2019. "Regional Gene Therapy with 3D Printed Scaffolds to Heal Critical Sized Bone Defects in a Rat Model". Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A.
He, L., Fei, F., Wang, W. and Song, X., 2019. "Support-Free Ceramic Stereolithography of Complex Overhanging Structures based on an Elasto-viscoplastic Suspension Feedstock". ACS applied materials & interfaces.
Chen, Z., Qian, X., Song, X., Jiang, Q., Huang, R., Yang, Y., Li, R., Shung, K., Chen, Y. and Zhou, Q., 2019. "Three-Dimensional Printed Piezoelectric Array for Improving Acoustic Field and Spatial Resolution in Medical Ultrasonic Imaging". Micromachines, 10(3), p.170.
Yang, Y., Song, X., Li X., Chen, Z., Zhou, C., Zhou, Q., Chen, Y., 2018. "Recent Progress in Biomimetic Additive Manufacturing Technology: From Materials to Functional Structures". Advanced Materials.
He, L., Song, X., 2018. "Supportability of a High-Yield-Stress Slurry in A New Stereolithography-based Ceramic Fabrication".JOM.
Ji, Y.Z., Wang, Z., Wang, B., Chen, Y., Zhang, T., Chen, L.Q., Song, X. and Chen, L., 2017. "Effect of Meso-Scale Geometry on Piezoelectric Performances of Additively Manufactured Flexible Polymer-Pb(ZrxTi1-x)O3 Composites". Advanced Engineering Materials.

Yang Yang#, Zeyu Chen#, Xuan Song#(Co-first author), Zhuofeng Zhang, Jun Zhang, K. Kirk Shung, Qifa Zhou, Yong Chen, 2017."Biomimetic anisotropic reinforcement architectures by electrically assisted nanocomposite 3D printing". Advanced Materials, 29(11).
Xuan Song, Zhuofeng Zhang, Zeyu Chen,and Yong Chen, 2017. "Porous Structure Fabrication Using a Streolithography-based Sugar Foaming Method". ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering,139(3), p.031015.
Xuan Song, Zeyu Chen, Liwen Lei, Kirk Shung, Qifa Zhou, Yong Chen, 2017."Piezoelectric Component Fabrication Using Projection-based Stereolithography of Barium Titanate Ceramic Suspensions". Rapid Prototyping Journal,23(1).
Wu, H., Liu, W., He, R., Wu, Z., Jiang, Q., Song, X., Chen, Y., Cheng, L. and Wu, S., 2017. “Fabrication of dense zirconia-toughened alumina ceramics through a stereolithography-based additive manufacturing”. Ceramics International.
Yang Yang#, Zeyu Chen#, Xuan Song# (Co-first author), Benpeng Zhu, Pin-I Wu, Rui Xiong, Jing Shi, Yong Chen, Qifa Zhou, K. Kirk Shung, 2016. Three-Dimensional printing of High Dielectric Capacitor using Projection based Stereolithography”. Nano Energy.
Zeyu Chen#, Xuan Song#(Co-first author), Liwen Lei, Yong Chen, Qifa Zhou, Kirk Shung, 2016. "3D Printing of Piezoelectric Element for Ultrasonic Sensing and Imaging". Nano Energy.
Liu, W., Wu, H., Zhou, M., He, R., Jiang, Q., Wu, Z., Cheng, Y., Song, X., Chen, Y. and Wu, S., 2016. "Fabrication of fine-grained alumina ceramics by a novel process integrating stereolithography and liquid precursor infiltration processing". Ceramics International.
Wu, H., Cheng, Y., Liu, W., He, R., Zhou, M., Wu, S., Song, X. and Chen, Y., 2016. "Effect of the particle size and the debinding process on the density of alumina ceramics fabricated by 3D printing based on stereolithography". Ceramics International.
Maopeng Zhou, Wei Liu, Haidong Wu, Xuan Song, Yong Chen, Lixia Cheng, Fupo He, Shixi Chen, Shanghua Wu, 2016. “Preparation of a defect-free alumina cutting tool via additive manufacturing based on stereolithography –optimization of the drying and debinding processes”. Ceramics International.
Xuan Song, Yong Chen, Tae Woo Lee, Shanghua Wu, Lixia Cheng, 2015. Ceramic Fabrication Using Mask-Image-Projection-based Stereolithography Integrated with Tape-casting”. SME Journal of Manufacturing Processes, doi:10.1016/j.jmapro.2015.06.022.
Xuan Song, Yayue Pan, Yong Chen, 2015. Development of a Low-cost Parallel Kinematic Machine for Multi-directional Additive Manufacturing”. ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 137(2), 021005. doi: 10.1115/1.4028897.
Yixiong Feng, Jin Cheng, Xuan Song, Jianrong Tan, 2014. "Robust engineering: improved inductive design exploration approach to bionic system". Materials Research Innovations. 18(s5), pp. s5-73-s5-75.
Yixiong Feng, Yicong Gao, Xuan Song, Jianrong Tan, 2013." Equilibrium Design Based on Design Thinking Solving: An Integrated Multicriteria Decision-Making Methodology". Advances in Mechanical Engineering. 8, 27, doi:10.1155/2013/125291.
Yixiong Feng, Xuan Song, Jianrong Tan, Liping Ding,2012. K-WFA based kinematic scheme design method of mechanical product”. (in Chinese). Journal of Zhejiang University (Engineering Science), 46(3), Mar: 515-523.
Conference Proceedings
Kirby, L., Fei, F., Wang, C., Song, X.. “Hydrothermal Assisted Transient Jet Fusion of Ceramics: A Test Case Using Bentonite Clay.” Procedia Manufacturing, SME NAMRC 48, 2020.
He, L., Fei, F., Wang, W., Song, X.. “Layerless Additive Manufacturing of Metal Alloy Components Using Immiscible-Interface Assisted Direct Metal Drawing”. Procedia Manufacturing, SME NAMRC 47, Penn State Behrend, Erie, PA, 2019.
He, L., Fei, F., Wang, W., Song, X.. “Immiscible-interface Assisted Direct Metal Drawing”. 29th Annual International Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium. August 13-15, Austin, Texas, 2018.
Song, X., He, L., Yang, W., Wang, Z., Chen, L. “Co-continuous Piezocomposites With Triply Periodic Phase Interfaces For Enhanced Mechanical Flexibility and Piezoelectricity”. The 13th Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference of ASME (MSEC2018).
He, Y., Fei, F., Wang, W., Song, X., Sun, Z, Baek, S.. “Predicting Manufactured Shapes Of A Projection Micro-Stereolithography Process Via Convolutional Encoder-Decoder Networks”. ASME IDETC/CIE, 2018.
Chen, Z., Jiang, Q., Song, X., Wang, K., Wu, S., Zhou, Q., Chen, Y., Shung, K.. "Piezoelectric array for transducer application using additive manufacturing," 2017 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS), Washington, DC, 2017, pp. 1-4.
He, L., Song, X.. “Supportability of A Highly Viscous Slurry in a New Stereolithography-based Ceramic Fabrication Process”. 28th Annual International Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium. August 7-9, Austin, Texas, 2017.
Song, X., 2016. "Slurry-based Stereolithography: A Solid Freeform Fabrication Method of Ceramics and Composites." PhD Dissertation. University of Southern California.